Our Commitment to Clean Heating in Massachusetts

As Earth Day rapidly approaches, many homeowners in the Greater Amherst, Massachusetts area are looking for ways to make a greener difference in our community. We’re here to let you know that as customers of Surner Heating, you’re doing just that! Keep reading to learn how we strive to make a positive difference in the environment and do our part to protect the earth.
Earth Day

Propane: Clean, Green Home Heating

We’re proud to offer propane heating fuel to our residential customers in Massachusetts. Propane is a clean, efficient heating fuel that provides a variety of environmental benefits for residents. Here are just a few reasons we love delivering propane to our heating customers:

  • Produces very few environmental emissions
  • Does not contaminate soil or groundwater
  • Is a natural by-product harvested from other fuel production

Did you know that according to the Propane Education and Research Council, propane heat produces 43% fewer environmental emissions than electric heat?[1] That’s because coal is used to produce electricity, and propane equipment is highly efficient. The combination of these factors makes propane one of the greenest heating fuels available in Massachusetts.

Efficiency Tune-Ups Reduce Emissions and Fuel Usage

Whether you’re a user of heating oil or propane, you can help the environment by scheduling your efficiency tune-up with Surner Heating’s HVAC team. Our service department can boost the efficiency of your furnace, boiler, or air conditioner, helping it to burn energy more cleanly, reduce fuel use, and minimize your carbon footprint.

Service Plans Provide Ultimate Care and Environmental Protection

Want to be sure you never miss your efficiency tune-up? Enroll in a Surner Heating Service Plan this spring—it includes your eco-friendly preventative maintenance. Contact us today to request enrollment into the oil, propane, or A/C service plan of your choice. We even provide a variety of tiers to ensure that every home heating budget can prioritize clean, green, environmentally friendly HVAC care.

Heating Oil Is Getting Cleaner and Greener, Too

We also deliver a cleaner, greener version of heating oil! Say goodbye to old, traditional #2 heating oil and say hello to Biofuel, a cleaner alternative. This oil blend, which works seamlessly in oil heat equipment, produces significantly fewer carbon emissions and has a reduced sulfur content. That’s because the ultra-low sulfur heating oil is blended with biodiesel made from recycled plant and cooking oils, which would otherwise be discarded as waste. Whether you use oil or propane in your home, you can feel good about your fuel consumption and reduced emissions this Earth Day.

Surner Heating Is Here for You

We want to make a difference this Earth Day, and we know you do, too! Contact our customer service team today to request a fuel delivery, schedule a tune-up, or sign up for a service plan. You can feel good about maintaining your home comfort equipment while making a positive difference in our community.

Source: “Propane: A Key Energy For A Low-Carbon Future” (Propane.com)