What Are the Benefits of a Propane Hot Water Heater in MA?
Has your electric hot water heater seen better days? The average lifespan of a hot water heater is 10 years; if yours is getting close, it’s time to think about a replacement. Before you return to the same old, same old with another electric hot water heater, consider your options. Propane hot water heaters are becoming a favorite of homeowners in Western Massachusetts. These appliances offer significant benefits, like extra efficiency, safety, and most importantly, low utility bills.

If you are shopping for a new hot water heater for your home, read this blog post before you make your next move. You might find that a propane hot water heater is the best choice for you and your family.
5 Reasons to Pull the Plug on Your Electric Hot Water Heater in MA
Propane is a multi-use fuel that can power all sorts of home appliances, including clothes dryers, central heating systems, stoves, and yep, you guessed it, hot water heaters. Switching from an electric hot water heater to a propane hot water heater can deliver these major perks:
1. Fast hot water, whenever you need it
Say goodbye to lukewarm showers and waiting for the tap to run hot. Propane hot water heaters deliver instant hot water every time you switch on a faucet. They outperform old electric hot water heaters and are built to last.
2. Savings on your utility bills
All hot water heaters will lose efficiency over time, so upgrading your old unit is definitely a smart move. However, homes that switch from electric to propane hot water heaters can save an average of $500–$1,000 per year as well.
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3. Safe operation
Propane gas is extremely safe. It is highly regulated, and equipment must adhere to strict codes to maintain safety.
4. Greater efficiency
Propane gas itself is extremely efficient. Add that to a new high-efficiency hot water heater and you’re set for success. Energy efficiency is not only important to help keep your budget in check; it also helps to lower emissions and your home’s carbon footprint.
5. Reliable service from a local company
Using a propane hot water heater means you have the choice to order propane gas from a local company that really cares about its customers. Instead of dealing with a large, anonymous utility, you can call Surner Heating and talk to a member of your community to get started. We have been serving Franklin and Hampshire counties for decades and are committed to providing reliable delivery and competitive propane gas prices.
We hope this information has been helpful in your search for a new propane hot water heater. If you’re interested in learning more about how Surner Heating can help you make the switch, give us a call.